No.499103 「17A」村  参加:1名  [配役A]村1(4人から開始可)  昼270秒/夜180秒(60/90/3)  GM制/15秒制(役職即)/強化/希望役職/観戦発言無/COコマンド無/聴狂

スポンサード リンク

1日目 開始前
35GMdo your job for me covid
34GMtoo cold these days
33GMi need to ignite my heart again maybeeeee
32GMa chad
31GMworth me
30GMreally hope my new game will be better
29GMnext time ill be a new student
28GMliterally an ONE NIGHT LOVE
27GMlike honor excitement fever and even romance
26GMthere was everything,
25GMgooood old days boys
24GMgood old days.....
23GMi think i can change the village name now
22GMbtw theres really few people in this site
21GMso damn annoying
20GMfcking nerds
19GMin such a situation
18GMin your mind
17GMis to be naked
16GMall you have to do
14GMin the night park how can you talk about ordinary things
13GMwhy these people so cringe
10GMlets stop talking in manner of fcking twitch chat
8GMpepeJAM i guess
7GMis not really my emote
5GMor fuck hot grills XD
4GMpls just let me do MUSIC
3GMday and night
2GMits because of these people doing such meaningless chatting
1GMforgive me btw
   「張りぼての鳩」さんが、GMとして村に入りました [東京都] (19:16:27)
TIPS: 人狼の噛みと占いの呪殺は、同じ表示メッセージとなり区別はつきません(19:16:26)